Sad when see the orphan kid.

Assalammualaikum .
Today I'm so sad when I see the orphan kids eating.
I see how they live.
It so make me wanna cry loud.
It so make me sad .
They live with no mom or no dad or both.
They live with others people that can take care of them.
They live with a simple life. 
Some of them have a parent but they parent doesn't want to take care of them?
Why ?
Is it they too despicable of them?
Of the human being?
They also a human being. They also have a same feeling because they are a human.
They have a brain for think.
They have a heart that can broken.
They want to live like others but they can't be.
Because they doesn't have their own lover.
They sad.
They very2 sad when they see a human that have family.
They want to life like us life.
But they still cannot.
They wanna be like us but they can't.
I love them . I really2 love them. 
They like my own brothers.
Whether perfect or not I still love them. 
Whether they smart or not I still love them.
I love them like I love myself.
So don't ever judge them.
Allah always see what you do to them.
Allah always love them.
Allah always love us.
If they don't have a family so don't judge but love them.
Take it as your motivation of our self.